Thursday, February 13, 2020

Boogie and his health problems

I hate to beat a dead horse, but I need to talk about Boogie again. For some reason, Boogie made a video with a Camgirl smashing burgers. Why? Who knows? But, the bigger issue is in his feet and legs. People have commented on how they look. When I saw them I know full well what is going on. That is not normal fat you see in the legs and feet. He's retaining fluid weight and that is an extremely bad thing.
Take it from me. I suffered from the same thing. It basically means your heart is running at 75-50% and the normal fluids that run through your body are NOT moving and are just collecting in your feet and legs. Your lungs will start to fill up and your brain begins to decay where nothing will make sense. Boogie really needs to see a doctor real quick because things are going to get worse for him. Some think it is diabetes, but it is clearly congested heart failure.  I can't account for the discoloration, but the swelling is very bad.  
I can't stress enough that he is retaining water weight and it is resting in his feet and legs. That means things ain't going good in his body.  That swelling is very bad, Boogie. You need to go to the ER or a doctor.  
Side Note:  For me, I got heart failure due to a viral infection.  

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