Thursday, January 09, 2020

Update on that Lia thingy

Update on that Lia thingy
As I stated before, it is legal for a 60+ hack to bang a 23-year-old, but it gets a little creepy and strange when he worked with her when she was still 15. After this blow-up, Steven deleted every f'ing thing. There are a few YT videos of his music, but nothing on Google is really left. He completely destroyed his company's (Golden Track Studio) website and is up for sale if you want it. I have never seen someone hashtag cancel themselves so quickly. It is almost as if he didn't exist. Though his Discog is still up.
In order to remove all traces of your history is an amazing feat. I wonder if he had this “break glass just in case” deal.
Like I stated, the other problem is you know this young girl needs to be in treatment, but you're too busy trying to get your “duck” wet instead. Since you are her producer, why not put her into rehab instead of banging her over some 2000s pop music?

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