Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Dustin checks in...again (Dustin McPhetridge)

Dustin checks in...again 
Dustin is one of the worse predators in the TCAP lore.  What made him such a terrible predator is that he used his handicap as a weapon against young girls.  You can see him try to groom the decoys and the NBC actress, but change his tune when Chris Hansen shows up.   
Side note: I found the document and now I've lost it.
Unlike many other parolees, sex offenders have to go through intensive treatment and show actual progress.  One of the things they have to do is take lie-detector sessions.  When they chalk up enough lies about their sexual nature, they can be put back into jail.  This is what happened to D-Mac.  He lied and pretended that he was getting better.  
Dustin claimed the reason he lied to the PO is that he talked to a 16-year-old boy in a G2K Games store.  I did some checking and these G2K stores are a part hobby and retro gaming stores.  It is a store aimed at kids, sorry but Dustin shouldn’t be anywhere near a store that caters toward children...period.  And, you better believe he’s been hobbling around a game store and creeping on underage girls.  I think someone needs to contact the local G2K store and warn them about this monster.  I am being serious.   
Keep in mind that Dustin spent time in both KY and TN prisons.  After finishing up his TCAP case, TN wanted him for the CP he had on his computer at home. I hope this monster goes back to prison and stays there. He is truly a monster and uses his handicap as a way to disarm people.

JS:  Why are you back in jail, Dustin.  It's a question.  

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