Thursday, December 05, 2019

Tim Miller and that Terminator movie

It looks like people are a bit more honest when a movie flops and fingers are pointed at each other.  It is like Hollywood keeps repeating itself over and over again.  You can’t attempt to reboot/remake a franchise this worn out.  Remember Men in Black International and Charlie’s Angels are prime examples of this happening this year.  Director Miller says he won’t work with Cameron ever again after his battles on the set of T6.   
Would Miller admit this if the movie was a hit?   
The movie was doomed from the get-go.  You can’t have another reboot of the Terminator universe after having two-three reboots already.  You can throw James Cameron under the bus, but the movie would never end up as a hit.  I also love that they were so confident that the movie was going to be a hit that there were two more movies planned.  Keep in mind that I really can’t side with Cameron either because he’s been out of touch for a long time.  He is kind of like Lucas in that regard.   

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