Thursday, December 19, 2019

38-Year-Old-Consoomer: King of Hover Hands

It is odd, but this whole consumer fanboy-ism started with my parents' generation.  You had people that only bought Ford or Chevy cars and trucks.  It sort of grew in intensity with my generation.  You’re loyal to IBM or Apple.  Android or Apple.  I do like that the meme grew out of everyone’s favorite movie blowhard Movie Bob.  There seems to be a difference between a 38-year-old consoomer and a 20-year-old one.  I think it is sadder for the single, childless 38 one.   Look I am a 40 something childless-unmarried loser myself.  I am not throwing shade on poor Movie Bob.  Okay, I am because I never dressed up as Mario.  
I have to wonder if Movie Bob looks up from his constant tweeting to be fully aware that he is the birth of a rather funny meme.  I honestly think he is too full of Trump hate to know.   

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