Saturday, November 16, 2019

Another Popeye's fight...

What is with chicken and stupid people?  When I go to Popeye’s, I have to dodge knives, bullets, stupid middle-aged white women and thugs.  And, I thought gas stations were the buttholes of society.   
When you combine stupid rednecks with the ratchet hood people, you get this shit.  Look here, listen, Popeye’s is quickly becoming the Waffle House of chicken places.  More and more fights and shooting are happening around Popeye’s.  For all racists, don’t make racial slurs in a place where you are surrounded by black and brown people.  You will get hit.   
Anyway, the white woman received a Rock Bottom from the Popeye’s employee.   I would not have given her a Stone-Cold stunner, but let the Internet do its thing.  Let the tape speak for itself.  You don’t need to use violence to get back at her.  Anyway, the thug did get arrested for assault and he lost his shitty job too.   
In a case like this, just letting cooler heads and logic rule everyone would have left the place not f'ed up.  

Well, he could have a job in the WWE as the Chicken Man...His finisher move is the Popeye Punshier.  
Do you smell what I am cooking, woman?  It smells like an ass whooping.  

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