Tuesday, October 08, 2019

F' you Rusty...

Our good friend Russ has been in the news lately.  Nope, he hasn’t shot anyone or anything.  There is a movement to take legalization of prostitution.  He stumbled upon All Things Considered.   
Instead of paying to better his life, Russ goes to Nevada and gets his pee-pee wet.  Other than harassing famous female artists, he’s been a supporter of legalizing prostitution.  Due to his handicap, he believes women won’t date/have sex with him.  Greer has forced him himself into this court case.   
My problem with his new claim to fame is that the people writing the story should have never included him.  They did a board surface search and his name popped up.  Given the man has been arrested for making a “Hit List”, has sued numerous female singers for disrespecting him, he is not the proper person to defend prostitution.  The hooker is not listening or touching for her own pleasure, but because you had paid her.   
For the past four years, I’ve worked around sex workers of all types.  I like them a lot and relate to them.  I am all for legalizing prostitution, but let’s not kid ourselves.  She doesn’t care about you, Russell.  
Here’s the biggest issue, Greer, you’re confusing hooking up with actual love.  A real woman would put aside your handicap and see you for a person they could fall in love with.  Professional sex workers are merely giving you a way to hook up with a bit of fantasy.  Paying for a woman to touch is one thing, but you’re taking it to another level and you know it.  

Would you date a woman with the same condition, Greer?   Nope, that's below you.  You only go after 10s.  

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