Sunday, October 20, 2019

Coach stops would be school shooter...

As you know, I am a cynical asshole blogger that has a low opinion of human beings, but this story got to me.   
From CBS News, ((Earlier this year, a high school coach in Oregon was celebrated as a hero for stopping an armed student before he could hurt anyone. Now, new surveillance footage reveals the coach brought the student into an embrace after disarming him.)) 
These school shooters seem to always follow a pattern.  You get a dejected/rejected angry dude with a long duster coat and a gun.  He wants to destroy everything in his sights.  Except for this time a coach showed up took the gun away and hugged the would-be shooter.  Sometimes when things are crumbling around us, an embrace and support can change someone’s life.   
Coach Keanon Lowe stepped up and took control of the incident.  The angry 18-year-old that wanted to be the newest school shooter has reached a plea deal.   
Awkward kid with strange hair...fits the stereotype.  

Enough with this mushy stuff, back to shittig on people.  

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