Tuesday, September 03, 2019

The Mighty Quinn: More thoughts

First off, Zoe tends to leave communities and companies in flames before she hops to the next thing.  She left the indie scene in flames and helped bring down Vertigo DC with her shitty comic book.  She's helped get allies fired from their jobs because they disagreed with her.  I've never witnessed someone so polarizing to the communities she's forced herself into but is so well protected by the press.  Yet, this Alec story has me perplexed. 

As this Alec/Quinn thing erupts and another GG 2.0 starts to erupt, I wanted to share my thoughts.  It seems people on both sides want there to be a Gamergate 2.0.  I don’t there it is necessary.  The old players that were irrelevant are now rearing their heads to spark it up again in order to make money (Anita or Brianna Wu).  People shouldn’t engage or troll them because people have forgotten about them.  There doesn’t need to be another GG 2.0 because the wounds are still fresh five years later.   
How many people have lost friendships, partnerships, and jobs over the last GG?  I lived through GG and it wasn’t fun for anyone...other than Zoe Quinn and Mundane Matt.  Both of them have been outed as shitty people.   
If you disagree with someone, point it out.  You don’t need a hashtag to pick a side for you.   
Don’t fall the GG 2.0 bait.   Only talk to those willing to have a discussion and not reshape or lie about what happened to Alec or Zoe.
As much as I despise Zoe Quinn, I actually believe her.  Time and time again, many of these skinny soyboy types that pretend to be woke and progressive are usually monsters.  (Ron Toye?)  They pretend to be protectors of women but turn up to be monsters behind the scenes.  Given Zoe’s pattern of picking the wrong men, I believe she would fall for Alec and he turned on her.   
I am an abuse survivor, so I understand this story too well.  It is something I live with every day.  I can understand Zoe Quinn’s wanting to get it off her chest.  Unlike my abuser, Alec seemed to be in treatment for his behavior.  And, this is the troubling thing about this case.   
Here’s the question; Was Alec getting better when Zoe outed him?   
Was the outing of him necessary if he apologized for his actions?   
What were Zoe’s true intentions by saying his name given that he was “different person”?   
Hey, Zoe, stay away from social media:  Just stop tweeting.  Work on your God damn video game that is still unfinished.   Your fans have paid you literally 85K for a damn FMV game.  Work on your damn Marvel and IDW books and stopping preaching on social media.  Stop bullshitting on social media and do some work.   
While the gaming press will sweep this under the rug, Marvel will remember this shit show.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they quietly cut ties with her.   
If it comes out she lied and made this thing up, I will change my stance on her.  

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