Monday, September 09, 2019

The Fanatic

The Fanatic  
Simple Jack/Simple John

What is this Russell Greer: The Movie?  Didn’t we already see this movie back in the 90s?  It was called The Fan.  Or how about the other movie called Big Fan?   From the great minds of Nookie and Battlefield Earth...
I have to see this movie now.  This might be the rich man’s The Room.  Everything about this is a shitstorm of terrible ideas.  What happens when you mix a shitty John Travolta and director Fred Durst.  Did I mention that Durst also helped write this shit?   
The movie made just around 3K.  That’s all.  I am guessing half of that was from members of Scientology being forced to watch this shit.  And, how does Travolta get to keep making movies?  Scientology, okay.  And, he has to pay for those Space Church classes.   
I have to see this movie, man.   

 Instead of saying "action", Fred just says "Keep rolling rolling rolling."  
 Yes, the guy that invented douche bag hip-hop is now a director.
 John:  "Let me tell you about Supressive People, asshole."  
John:  "Xenu is REAL."

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