Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hey, Game Journos, you can't cancel DSP

Hey, Game Journos, you can't cancel DSP
Like a bad case of crotch crustaceans, it will be impossible to get rid of DSP. It is rather sad to see this coordinated effort to get DSP banned.   Forgetting the rule of reporting news, some of these writers are trying to actively get DSP's Twitch banned.  I think people like Chris Chan and Spoony will completely disappear.  DSP is forever.  
Look, I hate DSP and I hate what is as a person, but it seems odd that game journos are aiming at taking DSP down. I love that these Journos have written hit pieces on DSP want to get him banned off of Twitch and YouTube. The man WILL never get a real job and move on from playing games for a living. If he was left with three viewers, they would buoy him up by paying thousands of dollars. The man is boring and a shithead, but he has super fans with will dump thousands of dollars on him without a second thought.  The man has cult of loyal followers.  
He's lied and mistreated his fans, and they keep coming back. You're not going to cancel him. After the gaming, press going silent on the Alec/Zoe front, it seems odd that they're talking about DSP now. Methinks there is another Game Pro discord or email chain. "Let's go after low and rotten hanging  fruit." 
Is DSP lazy and racist? Yes, but you are not going to cancel him. If you kick him off of Twitch, he'll just show up on another streaming site begging for money. He will never leave the Internet. You can cancel many people, but not DSP. And, the gaming news media is so hated that you only make DSP stronger. He weakens and destroys himself on his own. He'll do something to piss off Twitch and get canceled by himself. He does stupid things. Just watch him from afar and mock him. Don't cancel him.

 He's a living meme/clown.  Like me, he's an artifact from the early 2000s that should be studied and mocked.  He's what you don't do when you were Internet famous.  

He's a guy that has destroyed his own relationships with friends and loved ones because of his ego and toxic behavior.  He leaves betrayed mods and GF behind because he refuses to change or grow.  That doesn't mean you should cancel him.  

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