Saturday, September 14, 2019

Follow up to: It's a question...

You want even more recent info on Stacy?  It appears Jeff has learned Kung-Fu.  Yes, this is real.  Someone discovered him on a Kung-Fu site. I am not making this up.  The OP was written back in May.  I checked the dojo site, which I won't post, and the site has scrubbed him from it!  Did they fire him?  Did he ask "too many questions"? Anyway, Jeff, don't kick my ass for making fun of you.  
Joking aside, as long as he's on the straight and narrow, I am okay with him having a normal life or a normal job.  The issue is do you warn people that have children going to the dojo that this guy is around?  Is it right for the Internet to warn parents of his past? Keep in mind we have proof of Stacy being a sex offender (former). This goes back to the Zoe Quinn thing.  If he's gotten treatment, can we still hold his past against him?  
If he does relapse, it is the Internet's responsibility to reveal his past to employers? I am honestly torn. While I don't want him around children, is it my place to warn them? Do they know? If the company doesn't know the employee like a criminal past, is it right for us to warn them?
The damage a sex offender does to a young person has more long and lasting effects than just a random murderer.  

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