Monday, September 16, 2019

Don't hide in my room, yo

Holy, crap.  I had no idea this bloke even existed.  His name is “Hiding in my Room” and he’s a strange cat.  Given people like Wings, DSP, and Chris Chan, you would think I’d had already discovered this strange fellow.  Elvis the Alien has made two videos on “Hiding in my Room” and they were glorious.  He seems to be this shut-in that convinced a woman to marry, who really seems to hate him, and he makes strange vlogs about himself.  He mumbles and does strange edits to the videos and comes up with strange things to say.   
I am not sure if he’s an out of touch young man or a clever guy that has made this a complex running act/gag.  One video has him buying a sex doll, despite being married.  Another video has him freaking out over who ratted him out to his wife over talking to another woman.  If you combined DSP and Chris Chan together, you would get this guy.  He seems to be unaware that he is a walking and talking meme.  And, I love it.  I left him a comment on one of his videos.     
He makes me laugh, but I am not sure if I can send him a sub though. Should I hate him or laugh?   

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