Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Tumblr IS the NEW MySpace

Tumblr IS the NEW MySpace

Wow, history repeats itself. I remember MySpace being sold from NewsCorp for mere millions. Now, the same thing is happening to Tumblr. While I don't see the appeal of Tumblr, I now understand that many communities liked the site because of its lax take on porn.
Verizon bought Tumblr for about 1 billion and World Press bought it for somewhere around 3-2 million. Man, way to destroy a brand, Verizon. Because Verizon removed the Porn from the site, no one used it anymore. And, they would ban or remove things that weren't considered porn. It would make Twitch blush. To be fair, Verizon was reacting to the news that child predators were using their site, but V went overboard. Online child predators tend to ruin everything.
Does anyone use Tumblr?

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