Friday, August 30, 2019

The Mighty Quinn: The Fire Rises

Back in the day, Alex Lifschitz was in a relationship with Zoe Quinn. He helped her create the anti-bully site crash Override, which fell through, and her currently unfilled Chuck Tingle VG. Perhaps dumping him can help her complete projects.  He was Quinn's white knight during GG. He was “one of the good ones” as they say.
Now, there are allegations floating around about Alex. The white knight himself has been #metoo-ed. Here's the Tweet that burned Alex.
Yeah, the allegations are that Alex took photos of her without her consent. I am going to combine the two tweets together because it gets even better.
((the icing on this cake is that i confided all of this to another game dev. we'd been Internet & Conference friends for a while, and she was hot on the "Women In Games" circuit at the time. she consoled me about how terrible he was, then started dating him a couple weeks late. and the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake is that homeboy further went on to help found a survivor support network, which you've probably heard of! ))
Instead of denying it, he has gone underground and deleted his Twitter. Damn, it didn't take GG to do that but his own rep.  Can he come back from this? 
What is telling is that NO gaming site has even mentioned Lifschitz's allege incidents. It seems to be okay writing about Alec Holowka's allegations. It is because the woman accusing Alex of wrongdoing isn't Zoe? Wouldn't you want to investigate it right or wrong? Despite Zoe throwing him under the boat, no one in the gaming press won't even touch the story. Why isn't this getting the attention the Holowka story is getting?

Can we please break the stereotype?  Damn it.  

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