Monday, August 05, 2019

Rusty: While I don't get you, I can read you. (Some Honest advice too)

Russ and his busted song
Every time I want to write about something else, Rusty does or says something else stupid. I was reading through the KF threads and bumped onto a stupid comment he said on Twitter and it went from there.
Like Mundane Matt, I am certain Rusty has Google alerts on. Plus, I will be linking to his “music video” version of his shitty Taylor Swift song.  I am certain he already knows about me.  
 At this point, TS has enough evidence to put out a restraining order. He's attempted to sue her again and is now actively trying to force this “diss track” in her face. I hate this because I pretty much don't care about TS in any form, but Rusty's actions are starting to concern me. After taking an L, why not move on and keep writing music? Why not become successful in spite of TS? Writing a damn diss track will not put you in her good graces.
Having a famous person singing your songs isn't the end or be all of the creative writing. It is about WHAT YOU KNOW and NOT WHO YOU KNOW, Russ. In the age of the Internet, it is about plugging away and improving your craft while also having fun too. That's what writing is all about. Stop harassing famous women and bust your ass and network with people on your level. Stop carrying this grudge and just work on your shit.

Anyway, Rusty made 90s style lyric version of his Sonic CD reject song. Comments and ratings are disabled. I still left him a dislike.
From his YT post, ((I feel this all could have been avoided if Taylor would have used a disclaimer, advising that her stunts and publicity were for limited purposes only and were not sweeping advances. Such a disclaimer would have made me more level headed and not so star struck. As a paralegal, I believe she owes this duty as a matter of public policy. ))
((And to be honest, I've told my counselor that I want to get over my PTSD. I want to move past this chapter of my life and I feel that the only way I can move on is if I have a formal response from Taylor. ))
Congrats, Rusty, I hate you more than Jayden Smith. Somehow, you've managed to make JS look better. Great, I am probably going to get a C&D letter from him.
And, F' you for this one. 

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