Thursday, August 22, 2019

Gary Coleman: For Safety's Sake : This is real

The Cinna Snob re-released his review of the overlooked Gary Cole special aimed at kids.  Given my curiosity with Coleman, I had no idea this existed.  I have to say this is golden and cheesy.  I mean this video is just strange.  Gary Coleman is sitting in a room watching children as if he’s The Watcher from that UPN show.  In most states, this would be considered illegal.  I do like that Coleman trolls the children by causing trouble.  I also find it fitting that Coleman is playing a super security officer and he became a security guard after his career collapsed.   
-Gary’s career:  It seems this came out the same year as that last season of the show Different Strokes.  At this point, Coleman was considered poison and not easy to work with onset.  Plus, he wasn’t the cute kid from the earlier seasons.  You can see his contempt at filming this video.    
-Watch those cue cards:  You can see Gary reading the cue cards on camera.  You can actually see the white cards in the reflection in his eyes.  Gary clearly didn’t give a shit.   

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