Monday, August 26, 2019

Aquaman (Part 1 of 2)

Aquaman  (Part 1 of 2)

Who knew an actual Aquaman movie would be entertaining or at least somewhat entertaining? While the movie isn't perfect, it is the second-best DC movie in the DC universe. It does have a few flaws here and there. And, it tends to want to be the retro Thor 3 of the DC universe. Overall, the Aquaman is fun and has some decent action scenes. Like the other DC movies, the writing is the weakest part.  Given the sludge that was BvS and JL, Aquaman is a breath of fresh...water. 
DC is really trying. If they can get their head out of their butts, they could turn this DC universe thing around. Everyone, including DC, considers Aquaman a joke. He is the superhero that “talks to fish”. DC took the lore and constructed a believable underwater hero. 
The edgier 90s Aquaman with the beard and sharper attitude from is partly infused in this DC movie version. This Aquaman is closely related to Peter David's run of series. While there are parts from the Peter David run, the beer drinking and blue color elements seem to be new. Plus, he has a more positive view of humanity. 
Jason Momoa is great as this version of Aquaman. There are other versions of the character that are stiff as a board, but Jason brings a blue-collar charm to his role. You want to cheer him on because he's likable. He wants to save lives because he enjoys it. I can't believe this is the same actor that had a major role in season one of Game of Thrones. 
The cast ranges from being fair to good. No one other than one person stands out. 

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