Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Airport guard passes note...

I love that a security lady passed a note to a passager that said, “You ugly.”  To be fair, he does look like a melted Tom Cruise, but this is a bit stupid.  Why would you pass him a note, on camera, proclaiming his ugliness?  I am almost certain I received a “You ugly” note back in the day.   
From Good.Is, (("TSA holds contractors to the highest ethical standards and has zero tolerance for this type of behavior," reads a statement from the TSA. "This instance, which involved a contract employee, was investigated immediately upon receiving the complaint by the traveler. The employee has since been terminated by the contractor.")) 
While I wouldn’t have reported her to her manager, I understand why she got fired.    After being called ugly my whole life, I just simply don’t care how people feel about my looks.  He sought out a manager and posted the video on YT.  It doesn’t matter.   

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