Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Soy Deposition II: Electric Soy-galoo

Ron, it is 2019, it is okay to come out of the closet.  You don't need a beard any longer.  Heck, gay marriage is even legal.  All joking aside...
This is a new breed of nerdom.  While geeks and nerds from my generation weren’t the most physical.  We didn’t spend our time venting on one subject such Toye does.  This Starbucks-drinking new breed of geeks is just strange to me.  The squeaky voice and the strange grins are a bit strange even for me and I am a strange cat.  
I like how Ron refuses to even reference the one story from Polygon that supports his claims because he’s in the “I don’t remember/recall” mode.  Ty Beard even gives him a second chance to give a “yes” to the Polygon story on Vic.   
While I think Vic is a bit too touchy frisky, you have to have solid proof that is a sexual monster.  We’ve learned from the Chris Hardwick moment that you have to have receipts.  I still think it will be hard to get money out of these people.  I think they'll try to reach an agreement with an apology. 

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