Friday, July 05, 2019

That girl from Faithful Findings

That girl from Faithful Findings 
She literally breaks character and stares at the camera for a really long time.  That gaze is on someone realizing that they're in a Neil Breen movie.  The best part is that she breaks the fourth wall and Breen doesn't even bother to cut and reshoot the scene.  He just keeps the ruin take.  Brilliant.  Breen doesn’t even bother retaking the take.  Is she trolling the production?   
Other than surviving a Neil Breen movie, Danielle Andradethe actress in the clip above, has been busy.  She has been in many things and being in a Neil Breen flick was just a brain fart in her career.  (Actually, she WAS in a movie called Brain Farts) I’d love to interview her and get behind the story of Neil Breen.   

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