Saturday, July 27, 2019

Robin Hood (2018) (Part 1 of 2)

Robin Hood (2018) 

Let's just call it what it is.  This is Robin Hood Begins:  Again.  The movie makes no attempt at hiding the fact it is a direct rip-off of Batman Begins.  They just removed Bruce Wayne's name from the script and filmed the movie over again.  I would give this movie credit for attempting to restart a tired classic character and world, but it fails in almost every fashion.  The movie isn’t as much of a mess as the Excalibur movie recently but isn’t that good either.   
Didn't we already have a failed Robin Hood movie/franchise attempt a few years ago? Director Otto Bathurst and his band of merry writers created a more “extreme” take than the one with Crowe.  Did we need another Robin Hood, but this time aimed at 20-year old guys?  I half thought Robin Hood would create the first energy drink in this movie.   
Why not do the Sherlock thing and push the story to a modern era?  Have the Hood run around with cell phones and what not?  That would be a take I'd be interested within the long run.  
Like the Excalibur movie from last year, this new Robin Hood is supposed to be new video game take on the old Robin Hood character.  The look of Robin Hood is a cross between Arrow and Prince of Persia.  Many of the stunts and action moments are inspired by the Prince of Persia game and bit of MGS.   
Taron Egerton is a bit bland in the lead role, but he is clearly acting like Christian Bale.  he is just not that interested in the role and the least compelling Robin Hood.  There was a trend back in the early 2000s of having a bland-good-looking lead with not much edge to them.  I get that with Taron.  
Jamie Foxx’s performance is a bit troublesome because he is clearly phoning it in here.  There are a few moments here and there where Foxx’ charm and humor come out.  I like his muted I know he can give a damn and act because I saw Baby Driver.  The writers combined the Muslim character from Prince of Thieves and John Little into one character.  Morgan Freeman gave the Moor character a bit more charm than Foxx’s take.   
It makes sense to have a Moor character in these Robin Hood movies.  This movie is so far up its own ass that it wants to make the Middle East scenes look like the Iraq invasion instead.  

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