Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Final Deployment 4: Queen Battle Walkthrough

Final Deployment 4: Queen Battle Walkthrough 
From the birth of Too Many Cooks, some people from Adult Swim created another strange video.  The video starts out as a takedown of Let’s Players and Twitch streamers.  I love the jab at boob-streamers in the second part.  Like TMC, it gets a little meta and caves in on itself.  I do like this jab at the current gaming culture though.   
To even mention all the references would take months.  I did like the Tekken, cell phone games ads, and the COD parodies.  I think they should do a meta parody of Twitter culture or even bloggers.  Hey, wait a minute...

If you merge DSP with Wings, you get this guy. 

Hey, throwing cats and selling bath water is perfectly fine.  Right? 

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