Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Beta as F’

Beta as F’ 

During the height of the culture wars of GG, this gem of a song came out.  For some stupid reason, I was bored and looked up Peter Coffin, the “comedian” that created his own Asian, and looked up his recent videos.  He did this collaboration  
I am not sure if the song and video are supposed to be a spoof or a “bat signal” to all soyboys.  After watching this video, my glasses turned into horn-rimmed glasses, my pants turned into skinny jeans, and my shoes turned into sandles.   
Coffin I see as that clown that hops on whatever hot thing at the time because he hates having a real job.  Other than spending hours with Zoe Quinn, Coffin is mostly harmless.  Mann, on the other hand, is that douche bag that brings his guitar to a rave or party in order to bang chicks.  He’s that creeper that is willing to cock block you to get the chick.   
In a strange soy way, I actually like some of his tracks.  

Let's all fake a GF...

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