Saturday, June 15, 2019

Zombie Unicorn, have a seat.
Yep, this actually happened at E3. This thing seems to be over the booth babes at the Bang Energy Drink booth. Sorry, Miss Unicorn, but you can't take this stand when you body paint on stream.  You can check out her complaints on Twitter.  
People tend to forget that she was a part of that stupid Bully Hunter craze a year or two ago. Once everyone memed the BH, she threw the company under the bus. It seems like Miss Unicorn wants to be the next Zoe Quinn or Anita but just can't seem to get there. Unlike Quinn and Anita, she has some more un-woke things in her past. So, it comes across a bit fake when she tries to light the beacons of SJW.
As far as booth babes go, I've changed my position on them. While I think the mixing of lonely/smelly nerd types with really hot booth babes isn't a great idea, I've come to accept them now. I've worked around women that use bodies to make money. It takes a lot to keep your body in shape and these women work hard for their jobs as models and booth babes.
If anything, talk to some of these booth babes, Zombie Unicorn.
Interestingly enough, Angry Joe chimed in and set her straight.  From AJ's twitter((Zombi, I hope you can take a bit of friendly criticism: This was a bad take. Those girls are clearly dancers, performing, not booth babes. If you have issue w/ revealing shorts on dancers that's fine, but it's hard to take serious when this is the next pic on ur own Twitter feed.))
The best part is Joe posted this photo from her feed just moments earlier from her Tweet and video postings.  And she has tons of booty shorts pics on her feed.  Look I am not complaining because she has that Sara Jay body, but you can't virtue signal when you're wearing the same thing.  

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