Friday, June 21, 2019

Anita Sarkeesian Update

Anita Sarkeesian 

At this point, it might time for her to move onto other things like Zoe Quinn as abandoned VGs.  In the prime of her GG days, she received tons of money and attention.  It has come out that she is losing a bunch of money and doesn’t pay her staff allegedly.  Other than Mundane Matt, no one is really talking about her.  With Wu running for Congress again and Zoe Quinn leaving VG development with an unfinished game, a lot of Anita doesn’t have the allies she had back in the day.   
As I stated before, the reason her earlier videos became so popular was because of producer Jonathan McIntosh.  While I hate Fem Frequency, I have to give Mclntosh credit for giving her a voice and format.  It was never reported the manner in which she left FF, but he did leave the project years ago and the show went downhill from that point.   
The best part is Mclntosh is doing way better than Feminist Frequency of recent years.  His new project receives about 2K in cash and he gets views in the millions.  Yes, his videos actually get way more views than Fem Freq.  I love when someone that was fired from a project turns up becoming more successful.  Her channel barely receives 2K on views.  It is time for her to hang it up.   
Do I think she is finished?  Nope.  Gaming sites like Polygon with “light the beacons” and keep her name in the news positively.  After a couple of years, I was wonder why her name was popping up in my newsfeeds again given her channel is limping along.  She’ll probably shut down the channel and get paid to be an advisor to companies, but her life as a pure content creator is over.  And, Mclntosh is doing it better.  Trust me, you are not going to see her work a real job anytime soon.  Her white knights will help her out.   
One thing this does prove is “If you ignore it, it will grow stale and go away.”  You generally have to have the talent and change with the times to stay relevant.   

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