Friday, May 24, 2019

Subway Susan: Another crazy white girl...

Subway Susan: Another crazy white girl...
Such style and grace.  
This single-handledly is one of the best freak outs ever.
This is why public transpiration is terrible. Terrible people make your day terrible. To top off the constant assault on the Asian woman, Subway Susan threw out some racial slurs. Keep in mind this happened in the morning when people were trying to get to work.
Well, she did find herself in jail. From NY Post, ((Anna Lushchinskaya, 40, was charged with felony assault following the wild Tuesday morning incident around 8 a.m. aboard the D-train in Sunset Park, the NYPD said. ))
The guy that recorded the first part made a citizen arrest after he took her down. While I don't agree with hitting women, she was aggressive and attempted to attack him.
So, do you feel sorry for Subway Susan? Do check out her response to the racial comments. She is a terrible person all around. I feel bad for anyone that has had the misfortune of banging her. That hate does translate to the bedroom. I sure she is a mean f' throwing n-words and f' words.
When Subway Susan isn't beating up and spitting on people of color, she is a lawyer. I wish I was making this up.
The woman getting beat up had her side of the story.
 Well, you know how much I like the crazy chicks...Would I date her despite the fact I am a person of color?  Hmm...

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