Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Sonic the Hedgehog (2019)

What did they do to Sonic?   
So, Cyclops teams up with Sonic. They took Sonic and feed him crack.  What was the problem with the original Sonic design?  Sonic, in this version, looks sick.  The only thing that looks and sounds great is Jim Carrey as Dr. Ivo Robotnik.  Carrey is kicking ass as Mr. Eggman.  Plus, I love the old school look at the end of the trailer with Robotnik.   
I hate to agree with the mainstream media, but this is probably going to another Mario Brothers movie.   Growing up more a Sonic fan than a Mario fan, this is troubling.   
Side Note:  It looks like SOnic comes from his world into ours and there is probably a Dr. Robonik from that world too from what we see at the end of the trailer.  
Side Note II:  I am certain Chris Chan is shitting his pants...more so now because he already shits his pants normally.  

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