Monday, April 15, 2019

Wu: Let's dig up the corpse of GG for my run for Congress.

After losing her election to the US Congress, Wu sort of fell off the wayside for me.  I checked on her and this came up.   
From the ghost of GamerGate, Brianna Wu has decided to make this her campaign.  She keeps on and on mentioning GamerGate and will be using this to run her campaign.  BTW, she is running for Congress again for 2020.  So, Wu, what is the line between harassment and disagreeing with someone?  Why should the government get involved given all the issues it has agreeing with itself now?  Instead of blocking Trump from building that stupid wall, let’s worry about trolls on Twitter.  Huh? 
What I got a kick out of everything that happened between 2014-16 is that Zoe Quinn didn’t even mention Wu in her book.  And, that says a lot.  I generally don’t mention Wu that much, but it would be nice to see her get back into “tech”.  Unlike Quinn, Wu actually finished her game and brought it out for release.  Granted it was a buggy mess that looked like something from the PS1 era.   Generally, don’t mention Wu that much, but it would be nice to see her get back into “tech”.  Unlike Quinn 

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