Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Micheal Jordan's platforming game (yes it is real): Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City

Micheal Jordan's platforming game (yes it is real):
Before Shaq, Jordan was a marketing brand. He was on everything from Coke to underwear. He was the reason Nike is the brand it is today (and the reason kids murdered other kids for their tennis shoes). I grew up during the time when wearing Jordan's shoes and having a Starter jacket made you king of your school. I never understood that and just wore cheap knockoffs.
Why was this game made? What if Shaq-Fu had a mutant baby? This would be it. The game is a bit of a strange thing and I wasn't aware of this game until a few years ago. This falls under the same banner as Shaq-Fu or that Steven Seagal videogames.
From the wiki, ((The game played much like other two-dimensional platform games of its time, collecting keys and defeating enemies with a variety of different techniques. The player controls Michael Jordan on a quest to save the rest of the players for an All-Star charity game, who have all been kidnapped. ))
As far as the gaming mechanics go, it seems strange that MJ can throw his “balls” at his enemies. (And, when he was cheating on his wife...allegedly). Today, the game would have micro-transactions and a Space Jame DLC. A real version of a Michael Jordan VG today would be him avoiding his ex-wife's lawyers and dodging gambling debt collectors.
Can we have a Shaq-Fu/Windy City crossover?

Why was this game a thing? Anyway, Jordan would play a major role in another videogame series. He would be the main character in the EA game series NBA Street which included Jordan doing voice work.
Side Note: Scottie Pippin would have a shitty game endorsed by him too called Slam City with Scottie Pippen

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