Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Mark Waid Lawsuit Update

Mark Waid's lawsuit
I respect Waid's work as a comic book writer, but he's become a trouble makers on social media. Now that some info has been released about the case, it looks like Waid did in fact strong arm a smaller comic book publisher into dropping an artist Waid had beef with. Text messages and other things have been released and it seems far worse than before. Check it out.
Waid should have settled before this stuff was released and saved some face. Not only did he brag about nuking the deal on Twitter, but it appears he boasted about it at a convention. His speech is being used against him. When you read Waid's statements, he sought out information about the smaller publisher and made it point to call them.
Interestingly enough, no one in the press is even talking about the new facts about the case. I wonder...Why am I and other YouTubers the only ones even discussing this? I am not a member of the press.
It is a shame to see one of my favorite writers from the 90s destroy his rep and career over social media and trying to be a white knight. What happened to letting your work move and shape things around the world? When you're living the dream, why ruin for a few brownie points on Twitter? You should be better than this, Waid.
Side Note: It looks like someone else is running his Twitter account. There are only mentions of his work and comic book pages.

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