Saturday, April 20, 2019

Follow up on Rust-Ville

Follow up on Rust-Ville
And, I will give you his side of the story...
Now, onto bashing him.
I haven't written about our little friend Rusty in a while. He put up a DMCA on Kiwi Farms and he has piqued my interest again. After getting his ass kicked by Ariana Grande's lawyer over a stupid lawsuit, Rusty is at it again by attempting to re-sue Taylor Swift. There is a vindictive nature to everything Rusty does. However, his full anger seems to be focused on TS. I am neither a white knight or a fan of Swift, but it is time to give it up, Rusty. It is time to leave her alone and get on with your life. It should also be noted that he received the attention of a writer from Medium and it is a good story on him and possessive and dangerous behavior (Rusty, This is my opinion. I know you will probably attempt to sue me too.)
From the Medium story, ((In 2016, after Swift’s agents refused to pass along his song and he filed his first lawsuit against her, Greer’s attitude grew insistent, though not exactly hostile. It wasn’t until the dismissal of the lawsuit that Swift was recast as his nemesis. ))
And, he continues to try to sue her over it. He doesn't realize her agents have the job of deflecting unsolicited songs in order to protect her FROM lawsuits. It wasn't because of his disability. Even I can't dump a sweet track on her without going through the proper channels, Rusty.
Rust did a little backhanded thing against the Medium writer. The writer of the story put up a link to Russ' Swift song “I get you”. Russ removed the song after the story. Rusty, you little sensitive bastard.
Here's his masterpiece...of shit.
Anyway, I have to ask Rusty a few questions. Why Taylor Swift? Did she remind you of some girl that dissed you back in high school? Don't you realize your actions over the years make you the type of bully that picked on your in high school?
Want more cringe?
I understand what Rusty has gone through. Growing up, I had girls tell me I was ugly or boring. They made fun of my clothes and the way I talked. But, that didn't give me the right to demand they date or have sex with them. You are entitled to shit, Rusty. As adults, we make the best of what we have and not try to threaten to sue people over rejections.
Stop harassing these singers with lawsuits and get over yourself.
Yes, he attempted to sue her over this photo and incident.

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