Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Remember PSM’s Swimsuit Edition?

Remember PSM’s Swimsuit Edition?   

Yes, this was actually a thing back in the day.  The Angry Videogame Nerd mentioned it during his overview of gaming magazines.  During the 90s, video game magazines ruled the gaming world.  Heck, their reviews were amazing.  There were two main PlayStation Magazines.  One was the official mag and the other one was independent (PSM).  PSM, I felt, was the better magazine.  This was before the gaming press turned into the mess that it is today.   
PSM had some swimsuit edition drawn with female characters from various videogames.  You could not do these swimsuit things today with the toxic culture war of today.  You would be considered sexist for viewing fictional characters in swimsuits.  For me, I have no dog in this fight, but it is interesting to see this was a thing during the 90s.   I never got "off" on drawings of women.  

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