Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Damn, MovieBob, you have to let things go...

Damn, MovieBob, you have to let things go...
The more I hear about the GB movie, the less I want to see it. I wanted them to go for the mid-20s early 30s range in casting. I do like they're setting it in the same universe IE Force Awakens. However, it seems MovieBob has some axes to grind in this overview with the Internet culture. The failure had little to do with the backlash and more to do with the movie not connecting with the greater crowd. Despite what the Internet and Twitter thinks, it is not about you. Normies have a bigger impact on things being hits than detractors and supports of media.
Normies don't give a crap.  That is the reason we still get Madden and COD games with little changes.  
For every few things he gets correct, he makes a hundred silly mistakes jumping to conclusions that even Steve Shives would be jealous. I never knew Ghostbusters or even Star Trek would be the front battlefield of this too long in the tooth culture/identity war. I will give MovieBob this nod. He stepped away from Twitter and tweeting about Trump to do his job. You know...being a reviewer/commentator.


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