Sunday, February 17, 2019

This Jussie Smollett thing

This Jussie Smollett thing 

I’ve only watched one episode of Empire and couldn’t watch another episode.  It just turned me off.  “Not for me” I also didn’t know about the attack on this guy by some MAGA guys.  It seems the story that he claims happened is starting to fall apart though.   

From Page Six, ((Jussie Smollett allegedly promised to pay his two pals $4,000 to stage his racist and homophobic assault — which the trio even rehearsed beforehand, according to a new report.)) 

The sad thing is that there are racial attacks happening around the country.  Why, allegedly, fake an attack?  It actually hurts the fight against injustice instead of helping it.  What is sad is that we used to make fun of the right side for faking attacks and making black people look like villains.   

Remember Ashely Todd?  She was the one that carved a B on her face and blamed a black man for it.  This was done to smear the Obama campaign.  We have to be careful when we weaponize false racial attacks.  Being a black man myself, last time I checked, I have to worry about some stupid MAGA asshole giving me grief, but it has to be real.  We should not have to write the narrative to real life.   
Anyway, if this story comes out as being fake, this will probably end his career.   

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