Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Police attempt to catch the Flash I guess...

Police attempt to catch the Flash I guess... 

BTW, I like how the heavy-set woman goes tumbling to the floor.  I think the other officer tries to her.   Found this on Reddit and it has some history to it.   
They did finally catch him.   
So, what led to this Flash chase?  From news-gazette.com. ((Assistant State's Attorney Jilmala Rogers told Olmstead that on Wednesday, Mordi arrived late to a class then began making "belligerent" comments to the professor, suggesting that the professor needed to write a better textbook.)) 

He then decided to threaten another student in the class.  Does he know that college is supposed to be a place of learning and not a place to support your ego?  Young people today forget the point of college is to better yourself and not destroy your life before you get out of college.   

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