Sunday, February 10, 2019

Old Dude Shoots Trucks' Tires: Grumpy old man being grumpy and old.

Old Dude Shoots Trucks' Tires: Grumpy old man being grumpy and old.
I love this video so much. It sums up Florida in a nutshell. The pissed off dude just calming shots out the tires of an AT&T truck and proceeds to shoot the engine of another truck. The employee just calmly reports the incident with little to no stress in his voice. This is pure Florida. The mundane is crazy.
So, why did this happen?
From ((They said, ‘We’ll move in a few minutes. We’re just working on the poles. We’re supposed to be here,'” Zogby said. “He went back into his house, came out a few moments later with a gun and started firing at both AT&T trucks that were on the scene.” ))
The old dude didn't want the trucks in front of his house. Instead of waiting for them to leave, he decides to make it worse for himself by disabling the trucks. Doesn't that make any sense? You're hurting your cause.
This dude wasn't a retired thug or crime boss, he was a retired firefighter. He does have an excuse...He admitted he went bananas. That's your defense?
Florida man, Florida...
This shit is bananas.

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