Sunday, January 27, 2019

Worst Fan Interaction Ever...

Worst Fan Interaction Ever...
This incident is very cringing and downright creepy. I saw this clip on Streamers Reloaded and it caught my eye. Social cues should have told him things were working out and should have let her leave. He had no right to talk her out of leaving or turn the camera away.
Here's the entire stream with the creepy fan. First off, never trust a man with some tight -ass blue-jeans on. Just don't do it. Second, never trust a dude with a default smile.

You can tell that Yunicorn is getting pissed with his awkwardness, but tries to be nice. Is it worth watching the entire video? Oh, yes. It is worth the cringe levels. It was like his first interaction with a woman.  
 If you are a big guy, don't wear tight jeans. 
When a woman has this expression, she hates and is repulsed by you.  

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