Monday, January 07, 2019

Vape Store Clerk Freakout

Vape Store Clerk Freakout 

It is kind of sad that we are so torn apart by this shitty president.  The mere mention of Trump sends people into fever rage.  I also find it strange that wearing any Trump gear sends people into a blind rage.  Ten years ago, our past versions would be shocked in the manner we behave now.   

This clerk really wants to knock this guy out and is willing to lose their job over it.  This is an epic meltdown.  The kicker is the employee ended up losing his job.  The guy is screeching like the kid from Home Alone.   

From The Daily Caller, ((“To our friends and customers,” the post read, according to Breitbart. “Tonight, we had an employee act improperly toward a customer. Xhale City does not tolerate this kind of behavior from its employees. When we identified the employee at fault, we fired him immediately. We’ve also spoken to the customer and apologized. We value our clients and treat them with respect and dignity, regardless of their political views.”)) 

Trump won’t grow up, but we need to start acting a little better when we encounter other people with differing opinions than our own.  And, don't you know when someone is trolling you?  

Follow up...

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