Thursday, January 31, 2019

Follow up on that woman the left the remains of her son in a car for over 11 years.

Do you remember that story about the mother that kept her son's remains in a car for 11 years?
I wrote about it a few years ago and the story still gets to me. Back in 2004, a kid disappeared and no one did a follow up on him
From Pilot Online, ((He seemingly vanished after 2004 – until June 2015, when state troopers pulled over his mother’s Ford Mustang in Hampton and uncovered a long-kept secret. ))
More or less, the mother seriously beat her son on many occasions to the point that he died. The mother then took the body and hid him in the trunk of the car for 11 years. 11 years! How is that possible without someone finding out. Cars need maintenance, right? She drove around the city with her decaying son in her car for 11 years. She went to the store and probably to work as if nothing happened. I still shake my head knowing that no one really looked into this kid's well being and never followed up on his disappearance.
Black lives matter, right?
How does this happen?
Well, the court finally sentenced her for her horrible crime. She will serve eight years out of ten. I think she needed to serve longer, but that is just me. She reached a plea deal.
Side note: The officer that pulled over the mother and discovered the body was killed a year later in the line of duty.  

The sad thing is he would have been in his late 20s today...


  1. "Black lives matter, right?"

    Jesus Christ, conflate much?

  2. Conflate in what way? Explain?

    Given I am black and WANT black lives to actually matter. How does a kid disappear and no one looks into him missing until after they find his bones in a car trunk? As a black community, we have to do better.

    To use a line from Malcolm X "“There can be no Black-white unity until there is first some Black unity. There can be no workers' solidarity until there is first some racial solidarity. We cannot think of uniting with others, until after we have first united among ourselves."

    Conflate, no. Opinion, yes. Nothing more.
