Monday, December 10, 2018

YouTube Rewind 2018: Sigh.

YouTube, who are these people and why should I care?  I felt some of the earlier Rewind videos were pretty amusing and on point.  The whole thing seemed a bit rote to me.  And, the FN dances were cringe-worthy too.  There was care in the early YT Rewind videos whereas the last three have gone out of their way to be “woke” and safe.   
K-Pop?  Really?  And, what about the drag thing?  What was the point of that?  Then the Ninja thing just baffled me to say to least.  Let’s stop talking down to people and make it a fun video that celebrates YT despite all the setbacks.   
And, what is with all the blue hair?  Really?   
Yeah, where are the mention of the huge boxing matches or the Shane Dawson things?  How about a reference to Cobra Kai?  
Maybe I am getting too old to recognize these new tubers.  

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