Tuesday, December 04, 2018

VOY: You Can Feel the Tenison

You can feel the tension between these two even in these segments.  I always found it interesting that Kate and Jeri were forced to be put into promotional materials and events during Voy’s run and they completely hated each other.   When the show shifted from being about the entire crew to Janeway and 7 of 9, they had to be the faces and voices of the shows and they both hated each other.   

Looking at these clips, I forgot how young Kate Mulgrew looked back in the 90s.  I now remember her from the Orange is the New Black.  I’ve always found the behind the scenes stories of Voyager to be far more interesting than the actual show.   

There were battles between producers and battles with network executives.  Heck, the casting even had issues too.  The powers that be tried their best to keep all the tensions on the set away from the public.  I found this interesting given that there is talk about tension on the ST: Discovery writing room.  

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