Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Jeff Stacy Chatlogs (NSFW)

Jeff Stacy Chatlogs (NSFW) 

If you remember, Jeff Stacy was one of those creepy dudes that the police and Dateline caught in those early stings with To Catch a Predator.  I also remember that he recently got married to an actual woman...of age. WTF?  After listening to the chatlogs with the fake girl, I really hate this dude even more.  And, he is really a disgusting goblin both outside and inside.  He is creepy ass-hat.  How did any woman find this guy a marrying type?   

I've heard some disturbing things in my time, but this even creeps me out.  I'm sure he's living in a cave feasting on passersby and small rodents given his appearance.  

Burn in heck, Jeff. 

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