Sunday, November 18, 2018

Video Toaster 4000 and Wil Wheaton

Video Toaster 4000 and Wil Wheaton
Wow, no told me about this “retro” gem. I read that Wil Wheaton moved away from LA and went into promoting products for the tech company NewTek, but I was unaware that there was actual footage of him promoting the “Video Toaster”. I just love his “extreme” 90s hair. That's totally rad.
I found a story written about Wil's departure from TNG and his new/former gig at NewTek way back in 94. From Chicago Tribune ((He was living in Kansas and working for a high-tech computer company called NewTek. Stationed in the product-development division, Wheaton also served as an in-house producer for NewTek videos. ))
What I find funny is you can pretty much do this work via computer programs and apps with little money. However, I did like the dissing of the network channels. They actually predicted YouTube, Twitch and Netflix and more people would be watching these services than the Big Three (Four).
And, if you had anything dealing with the 90s, you were forced to have Tony Hawk involved in some way.  
Given the state of Wil spending more time on Twitter and other social media now, I wonder if he would have been happier still working for tech companies? By the way, NewTek is still around today!

 For all the cool things from the 90s, this haircut was not on the list.  Damn.  

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