Thursday, November 08, 2018

Tik Tok: I don’t get it...

Tik Tok:  I don’t get it... 
A few months ago, I started to see these strange ads.  It is usually young people lip-syncing to shows, movies, and songs.  I can’t seem to understand the popularity of this new app.  What is the point?  Before learning about the name “Tik Tok”, I thought it was a reference to that annoying Kesha song of the same name.  It is not.  It seems to be a bunch of assholes and kids doing selfies videos and annoying me.   

An app filled by weird talentless inappropriate kids (mostly spoiled girls) or people that just make and repeat the same boring, unoriginal content and overrated shitty music that is so mainstream, it is basically a rip-off of 
A.k.a, “the new musically”)) 

It is like Twitter/Facebook had a mutant baby with the corpse of Vine.  And, now “normies” are making shitty content on it.  And, we all get to suffer for it.  I can’t believe, but I can truly say I am too old for this shit.   

Keep in mind I love YTP vidoes, but this is nucking futs.  

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