Monday, November 26, 2018

Blade (That Japanese School Girl Rap group) (AKA Bang Wa Cherry)

Blade (That Japanese School Girl Rap group) (AKA Bang Wa Cherry)
When looking through my keyword searches, the “blade 2 Japanese girls rapping ” always comes up. I did a post years ago and I am too lazy to look it up. I remember that strange scene in the first Blade movie where two grown Japanese women are rapping to a bunch of dudes with sunglasses. The movie never makes it clear if the girls or the men in the audience are vampires. However, a couple of the Japanese men look up and recognize Blade. I just found the scene interesting.
Anyway, the name of the song is “Chin Chin” and the name of the group is Bang Wa Cherry.
Someone in comments of the above YT video said this about the song. ((Sino Deutsch3 years agoI showed a Japanese girl this song, and she freaked out, embarrassed and shocked.... ...apparently the lyrics are very dirty about school girls, their private parts, and old men so.... naturally i made it my ringtone))
Well, Blade is an R-rated movie and listening to back-beat of the song reveals sexual Also, the women in the movie are the women performing the song. “Chin Chin” is loosely a slang word for penis in Japan and a fried food in Nigeria. Which one do you think they're talking about?
So, what about the group Bang Wa Cherry? Supposedly, Kyoko Kuriyama and Mesuko Takahime are the two members and were made up for the film. That seems odd because today they would have just hired a real band. However, the last part can't be completely confirmed. The reason I say this is because a Facebook post appears to claim that they were a group before the movie. They are unsigned as of 2017, but they still go around Asia performing.
Side Note: I still dig the song. Now, if Bang Wa Cherry would like to contact me for an interview, feel free.  

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