Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Whatever happened to Feminist Frequency and Anita?

Whatever happened to Feminist Frequency and Anita?   
While Zoe Quinn has been in the news lately (comic book writer and not fulfilling an 85k video game project), Anita has fallen off the side of the road. I found it amusing that you could pick apart her notions of VG with counter-arguments, yet the gaming press was more interested in reporting the harassment instead of her weak arguments. At this point, it is just better to ignore her and have conversations with people are willing to talk to you.
Remember Full Jonathan McIntosh?  She fired him from her show but no one in the press mentioned that part (allegedly fired).  quietly, he went on his own and made his own YouTube channel.  Here’s the best part; he is doing way better in views than Fem Freq.  He pulls in 300K to millions of views. Whereas Anita moved away from her old model, Jon fully embraced it. While I completely don't believe in his shit, I have to give credit for taking that Fem Fraq model and spinning it into gold.
It is interesting that no one watches her videos anymore, but watch her former producer’s channel way more.  It shows that Jon was the creative force behind the success of Fem Freq earlier videos.  
Here's his work.  While I don't agree, it is better produced than Anita's current videos.  

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