Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Taco Bell, start selling Ariana Grandes.

Usually, I don’t go out to fast food restaurants anymore.  I like to go to more Mom and Pop locations to eat.  Last night, I went to Taco Bell, in the drive-thru, and ordered a Nachos BellGrande.   

In my head, I wanted to say, “Can I have two Ariana Grandes?”  

I wanted to trip us the stoner placing the order in the building.   

“How much is an Ariana Grande? “   

Now, I will always connection nachos BellGrande with Ariana Grande.  Damn it.  
What is the difference between a nachos BellGrande and an Ariana Grande?  

Trick question.  Nothing, they're both good to eat and you go back for seconds.  

(I apologize for that extremely nasty joke.  I am certain I am not the only one to make that joke.)

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