Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Corner Store Caroline: Live Meme

Corner Store Caroline:  Live Meme 

Being a black man growing up, I have been accused of many things and followed along stores.  I have had white women follow me around thinking I was breaking into cars.  Thanks to the Internet, we finally get to see this trend of “concerned” white women calling the cops of non-threatening black people, especially black men.   

Corner Store Caroline is the latest one.  And, it is amusing to watch it unfold.  The little kid never grabbed her ass or lack of one, and it was just his backpack.  When you get a good look at her, NO ONE, man or woman, would want to touch her.  She looks like a melted Howard Stern if you left him in your car too long.  

As you know, I like crazy/unstable white chicks, but I draw the line on this Gollum.  

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