Sunday, October 07, 2018

Chris Chan: Could there be light at the end?

Chris Chan: Could there be light at the end?

It looks like Chris Chan has finally been viewed as being mentally ill. So, the court has issues him to seek treatment via the Therapeutic Docket program. While the government has failed him, thanks him receiving a government check every month, this could at least help him a bit.  Chris has been arrested numerous times and charged with trespass.  
From Help Happens Here, ((The Therapeutic Docket is a court-administered behavioral health treatment program for individuals with misdemeanor charges due to underlying mental health issues.  The docket offers participants a chance to make a meaningful, positive change in their lives, while changing the disposition of their charge.  Rather than focus on incarceration, the new system provides mental health treatment, treatment for co-occurring disorders, and other services necessary to increase the participants’ likelihood of success.   ))
To be fair, I have a family member that has a court order to appear for scheduled AA meetings but was kicked out. And, the court has never followed up on his no-shows, so he is just getting drunker and drugged up even more now because they don't hold him responsible.
It should also be noted that Chris Chan is also being sued by a credit company.  

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